Tag Archives: LinkedIn

Job Search for Ex-Defence Personnel – LinkedIn, Job Boards and everything in between.

If you’ve been in the Australian Defence Force for a large portion of your career, the job market can seem like a foreign territory.   “Whatever happened to reading the newspaper classifieds and sending in your resume?” one ex-ADF member asked me.  It’s true, job search has changed and successful transition demands that you adapt too or be left behind.

So what do you need to know and where do you start?  The following are my top three tips for adapting your job search methodology to today’s market.

  1. The traditional resume is dead.  Gone are the days of a typed resume that was a simple transcript of your employment history.  Today’s resume is a sophisticated document that requires a great deal of forethought and preparation. As many resumes are now read by employer and recruiter scanning software it’s important that your resume is scanner-friendly and targeted closely to the advertised position.  Read the full article Job Search for Ex-Defence Personnel

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